Friday, June 26, 2009


We start our day with so many tensions and eventually, heart, mind, soul, and body suffer the pain. Isn't it? The hectic schedules, daily fights, race to attain more money and power, chirpy sessions, meetings in office and activities like these have got a major slot in our calendar. And, it is something very strange that even if we have less work we still bother ourselves so much. May be, we are accustomed to do that! Don't you agree? We have tuned ourselves to take stress. Perhaps, we have sidelined the ways and means that taught us 'how to live life'. Don't you think it's been ages when you took a deep breath! Come, let us ease our mind and body for a while and say it loud to ourselves, "JUST RELAX...!"

Now, answer some quick questions:

Do you get time to exercise? Or you go for a brisk walk?
How often you sit patiently and spend some time with yourself and family?
Do you skip meals? Or eat them in hurry?
How frequently, you wake up early in the morning to walk on the dew drops?
How about enjoying the smell of wet mud?
When did you last share a long chit-chat session with true friends and also played some indoor/outdoor games?

The list is endless and undoubtedly, we would regret for not doing such cool things at the right time. And, let us not give ourselves this excuse that 24-hours are less for all this. Sometimes, we can spoil ourselves and delay less important official work by few minutes to enjoy our meal. If not everyday, then at least twice a week we can wake up early to enjoy the 'greens'. It is not a big deal to arrange a small coffee meet with those lovely estranged friends. We tend to ignore so many things by just assuming that people whom we love will understand. But why? The best is not to ignore them but express that we 'care'.

And, here comes the last and the most important question... When did you last smile? A relaxed genuine smile? It is the right time for one! And, do not forget the keyword 'RELAX' :-)


  1. dimple,
    i only relax when i m sleeping....
    but honestly i think we all shud do some excercise day in day out....
    in order to live longer...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I did read "Relax..." on Friday. On Sunday, I went out to run, to do some exercise! :) ...

    ... 20 minutes later, I felt on a rock in the forest...

    RELAX ;)
    Sport doesn't like me ;P

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